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Teacher: Anna Werth RN CGRN
Opening found in the Cecum
Radiographic Scan
Blockage of the intestines
Terminal orifice of GI tract
Non-invasive at home colon cancer screening
Fecal Immunochemical test for colon cancer
Presence of malignant tumor
Surgical intervention for colon cancer
Inherited syndrome in which multiple ademomatous polyps with high malignant potential. (Initials)
Removal and examination of tissue
The passage of bloody stools
Opening in abdominal wall by colostomy
Blood present that can be detected by chemical test
Portion of the colon thar runs across the upper abdomen
A polyp on a stock attached to mucosa
Portion of colon between the cecum and the hepatic flexure
Tumor, nodal involvment and metastasis classification of staging cancer
Oncological treatment of cancer
Endoscopic examination of the colon
Portion of the colon between the splenic flexure and the sigmoid colon
The first part of the large intestine, ileum opens into it
The large intestine
Benign polyp
Polyp attached to the mucosa by a broad base
Carcinoembryonic antigen test, a protein that may appear in the blood of those who may have colon or rectal cancer