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Provisional Coverage Q4

Preformed ______________ crowns are provisional coverages that use a polymer shell filled with a hybrid composite resin that bonds with the preformed crown and the tooth.
A provisional crown ______________and Maintain function to the area of the mouth, it keeps the patient comfortable during the period from tooth preparation to final cementation.
Preformed polycarbonate crowns can be used as the ______________ for the acrylic resin when fabricating a custom temporary.
Provisional restorations can become “locked on” the preparation if the material flows into the _______________ formed by the proximal surfaces of adjacent teeth.
The acrylic-loaded impression should remain on the prepared tooth for approximately ______________minutes to allow for the initial set.
After the provisional coverage has been cemented in the patient’s mouth, the occlusion is checked with ______________paper.
Prefabricated temporary crowns of ______________ are used where appearance is important.
Self-curing ____________ resin is one of the two most common materials used for creating custom provisional coverage.
During a crown preparation appointment, the pre-formed crown is tried on for shape and size ______________ the tooth has been prepared.
Custom provisional coverage can be among the most _____________-consuming provisional dental prostheses to make.
Polycarbonate crowns are preformed crowns used for provisional coverage on ______________ teeth, when appearance is important.
______________provisional crowns are the most common type of provisional coverage used for crown and bridge preparations because they provide the best fit and most natural look.
The prefabricated shell-like crowns are available for ______________ unit teeth.
Two types of provisional ______________ are commonly used are custom and prefabricated.
Pull floss through the contact, either to the facial or lingual side, once floss is placed ______________ the contact is appropriate patient home-care instruction for someone with provisional coverage.
When a patient is required to wear a ______________prosthesis for a longer period in order to accommodate a more complex treatment plan, the treatment usually involves implants or periodontal therapy.
In the making of a custom provisional crown or bridge, the _______________ tray must be made BEFORE the dentist prepares the teeth for the final impression because you want the tray to replicate the teeth.
Stainless ______________crowns are used when strength is essential and commonly for the restoration of primary posterior teeth.
Covering the facial of a Veneer preparations are not necessary because very little tooth ______________ has been removed.
The acrylic needs to be set aside for 1 to 2 _____________ before placing it into the patients mouth.