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Fixed Prosthodontics Q3

The ______________ is the artificial tooth that replaces the missing natural tooth on a bridge.
A shade ______________contains different shades of teeth and is used to match the color of a patient’s teeth for the laboratory technician.
A ______________ is the tapered finish line of the margin at the cervical area of a tooth preparation.
Each component of a fixed bridge is referred to as a ______________.
If a tooth is_____________, a core buildup is used to add support and retention to the crown. Retention pins may be necessary to add strength to the core buildup.
The laboratory ______________ should include the dentist’s name, license number, address, and signature. The type of prosthesis requested, exact shade of restoration, date when the case is expected back at the dental office, and the types of materials to be used are also included on the prescription.
The veneer is a thin shell of tooth-covered material. It is important that the shade of the veneer ______________ the shade of the adjacent teeth.
When the patient has a fixed prosthesis, such as a three-unit bridge, the area under the pontic is maintained by threading dental ______________ under the pontic with a bridge threader.
The color of the finished ______________ can be affected by the shade of the underlying tooth structure and by the color of the luting agent.
A ______________bridge consists of at least one abutment and one pontic, and is described by the number of units involved.
______________ is the resin material placed under a porcelain restoration to mask tooth discoloration. Composite resin is used to restore a direct restoration.
Cords impregnated with a vasoconstrictor (_____________) are contraindicated for patients with a cardiovascular disease.
The ______________ is the component of the bridge that provides support for the replacement tooth or teeth on the bridge
______________retraction with a retraction cord is the most common method of gingival retraction.
An enlarged opening into the pulp chamber into which the post is cemented is the post ______________.
A prosthodontist is a dentist who FOCUSES on restoring teeth and replacing missing teeth using fixed or removable prosthodontics. This specialty is earned through an additional 3 years of training at a facility accredited by the _____________.
An____________ is a cast restoration that is cemented or bonded into a preparation in the tooth and covers a portion of the occlusal and proximal surfaces.
The second appointment involves the ______________,possible cementation, and finishing.
The purpose of “blowing” air around the preparation is to thin the impression material, allowing it to flow better within the ______________ and around the margins.
A three-quarter ______________ does not cover the entire anatomic portion of the tooth.