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Acts 2

What did something that separated and came to rest on the heads of the apostles seem like?
On what important day were the apostles together after Jesus ascended to heaven?
What gift were the people told they would receive after their repentance and baptism?
When the people who heard Peter's words were cut to the heart, what did they ask?
Through what, according to Peter, had Jesus been accredited by God?
What had the prophet quoted by Peter said would be poured out on the people?
With what were the apostles filled, which enabled them to speak in tongues?
What did Peter assure the Jews that God had made Jesus, the one they had crucified?
What prophet had been promised that one of his descendants would sit on the throne?
Who stood up with the eleven and addressed whether the apostles were drunk?
After pointing out it was only nine in the morning, what prophet did Peter quote?
About how many were baptized and added to the church on the day described in Acts 2?
Why were the Jews from every nation bewildered at the Galileans who were speaking?
Who told the people to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins?
Who does Acts 2 say had everything in common, selling their possessions and giving to those in need, and breaking bread together in their homes?
What did some who heard the apostles speaking in tongues believe they had too much of?