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Islamic Civilization (Chapter 11)

Muslim group that accepts descendants of the Umayyads as rightful rulers of Muslims
People who travel to a holy place
Muslim group that accepts only the descendants of Muhammad's son-in-law Ali as rightful rulers of Muslims
One of the world's most beautiful buildings
Founded the House of Wisdom in Baghdad
Female Muslim custom of wearing garments that cover the head and body
Tower of a mosque from which the crier calls believers to prayer
Country that includes more Muslims than any other nation in the world
Also known as Mecca; the holiest place in Arabia
Acts of Muslim worship
A low square building, in the middle of Makkah, surrounded by statues of gods and goddesses
Leader of an Arab tribe
Were often made of sheep's wool or goat hair
Muslims invented this type of math
Became the language of trade
Pillar that states that Muslims must pray five times per day facing towards Mecca
Pillar that states that Muslims must declare that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his prophet
Military and political leader with absolute authority over a Muslim country
Means "surrendering to the will of Allah"
Holy book of Islam
Central figure of Islam; known as the "Holy Prophet"
Muslim house of worship
Name given to customs based on Muhammad's words and deeds
Group of traveling merchants and animals
Pillar that states Muslims must visit Mecca once in their life
Important Muslim political and religious teacher
Was married to Muhammad
Followers of Islam
Desert herders that travel from oasis to oasis
Business that developed as a result of Muslim merchants and their detailed records of business deals and profits
Pillar that states Muslims must not eat from dawn to dusk during the sacred holiday of Ramadan
Pillar that states Muslims must give to the poor
Announcer who calls Muslim believers to prayer five times a day
Arabic word for God
Green area in a desert fed by underground water