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Laura Rowe's Crossword

Legislation enacted by a level of government that does not have authority to legislate in that field is _______
Confusion can arise when there is one of these in a case or area of law
Settled legal principles that are no longer in dispute
Where you start legal research
The key principles of client communication are effective, timely, and ____
Municipalities make _______
Using the known outcome of one or more resolved situation to draw a conclusion about a current situation with an unknown outcome
A piece of persuasive writing submitted to the court in support of a side in an appeal
Pieces of legislation related to statutes
The website where you can find Ontario Statutes
Supreme law of Canada
The SCR is an _____ reporter
_______ frame how civil cases move through the legal system
The current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
Sworn documents submitted to the court as evidence
Guide to creating citations