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The Canterbury Tales

Kind, scholarly, wise minister
People made pilgrimages to the _____ of Thomas a Becket.
Where The Canterbury Tales was written around 1386-1391
The regular recurrence of sounds
Location of the shrine
Location of the inn
A short tale told to teach a lesson
Amiable, prim, proper, and French-speaking
The narrator speaks in first person in this part of the poem.
Written in story form
The inn where the pilgrims met before their journey
The Canterbury Tales is a long _____.
The Canterbury Tales was originally written in _____ English.
The pilgrims go to Canterbury during this time of year.
Deceitful person
Seldom speaks, but is heard when he speaks
Harry Bailey holds this position at the Tabard.
English poet who wrote The Canterbury Tales
Serves the knight; gifted hunter
Pleasant, romantic, meek
Model of perfection; truthful