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A Trip to the Firehouse

Some people ____before they eat.
The class did _____today.
She had her hair in a _____.
Have you ever ridden in a ____.
The ship sailed into the ___.
You ______not run on the sidewalk.
The _______ran into a hole in the wall.
I like to eat a baked potato with my _____.
_____till the light turns green to go.
She _______a dollar on the ground
We can make things with ____.
The lemon tasted _____.
The puppy wagged his ____
Make sure you ____the rules
______do you make a pie?
You better go sit down right _____!
We go to _______when we shop.
After your bath you dry with a _____.
An Eagle is a bird of ____.
We couldn't pay for the book until she got ____.
____the basketball at the hoop before you shoot.
He was ______of the thunder
Go ___on the bed.
My _____is on LaPorte Road.
Go run ______the track.
They really liked watching the _____at the circus.
Mrs. Roenspie had a black and white ______.
You carry water in a ___
She got an ink _____on her new dress
When she was mad she had a _____on her face.
He_______not tie his shoes.
The pig got ______of his pen
The sound a horse makes is a _____.
This is the ___home.