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OB Terms

Fetal Heart Tones or Fetal Heart Rate.
Thinning out of the cervix during labor.
A hormone that causes myometrial contractions . Promotes milk release during lactation
The difference in FHR beat to beat over a period of time.
Used to monitor uterine activity during labor.
Too much amniotic fluid.
This is the only way to assess beat-to-beat variability of the FHT’s.
Fluid surrounding the baby while in utero.
Non-invasive, aids in determining fetal well being
Artificial rupture of the bag of waters.
The upper rounded extremity of the uterus above the openings of the fallopian tubes. Where the Toco-transducer is placed to monitor uterine contractions.
A reduction in FHR from an established baseline.
Classification of drugs used to stop or slow down labor. Includes: Magnesium Sulfate & Terbutaline.
Too little amniotic fluid.
Used to monitor contractions BAG OF WATERS must be ruptured in order to use this equipment.
Rhythmic activity of the myometrium associated with menstruation, pregnancy or labor.
Opening of the cervix in order for the fetus to be expelled.
Used to monitor FHR during labor.
The first bowel movement of the baby.
An increase in FRH above the established baseline.
The organ of metabolic interchange between fetus and mother.