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______ & Public Administration- jobs that deal with politics.
___ Public Safety, Corrections and Security- jobs that protect citizens.
_____ & Tourism- Jobs that help people enjoy themselves and entertain them.
______ Technology, Engineering and Mathematics- Engineers and works on different issues.
Jobs that create advertisements.
A group of specific careers and pathways in a certain category.
Jobs that transport people to different places.
Jobs that design and build structures.
_______ Management and Administration- jobs that over-see businesses
Different ways you can go for your specific cluster of interest
______ Audio, Video, Tech and Communication- design, write, perform or produce artistic ideas.
______ science-has doctors and dentists
Jobs that create items at an industrial level.
Jobs that deal with food, plants, animals and the environmental sciences.
How many career clusters are there?
Helps individual and families meet there personal needs.
Jobs that teach and train certain practices.
Jobs that deal with investments.
_________ Technology- Working with computers and technological items.
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