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Puerto Rico

Some people want Puerto Rico to become a U.S. _______
Beaches lined with _______ surround Puerto Rico
Many parts of the island have brief but heavy ________ nearly every day
Mountain ranges, hills, and _____ lie farther inland
One of the most important industries in Puerto Rico
Many Puerto Ricans follow the _________ religion
The warm, moist weather allows farmers to grow _______
________ lived in Puerto Rico before the Europeans arrived
These once covered much of Puerto Rico, but it is mostly gone today
Spain gave Puerto Rico to the __________ after the Spanish-American War
Capital and largest city
Although they receive help and protection from the U.S., they have their own __________
Puerto Rico is a _________ of the U.S.
One of Puerto Rico's most valuable resources is its ________
Puerto Ricans are U.S. _______ and can move to the U.S. anytime
Puerto Rico lies about 1,000 miles southeast of _______
These make the weather pleasant and comfortable in the summer
Puerto Rico is ____ all year round
Spaniards led by this man began a settlement on the island in 1508
While they live on the island of Puerto Rico, they cannot vote for the ________ of the U.S.
Puerto Ricans have Spanish, Indian, and _______ ancestors
Milk and ______ are Puerto Rico's most valuable livestock products
Columbus claimed the island for this country