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Fluid-filled sac that protects the baby until birth
Period of development where teratogens most harmful
Month where the ears begin to work
Two separate eggs fertilized by two separate sperm
Month where movement can be felt
Male and female begin to look different
Union of ovum and sperm at the beginning of pregnancy
Chord in which nutrients pass from mother to unborn baby
Organ filled with blood vessels that nourishes the baby
One egg that does not completely separate
Pregnancy that occurs in the fallopian tubes
Day 14 when an egg is released
Female germ cell
Week the embryo is 3 inches long and weighs 3 ounces
Fetus responds to sounds
Period where most growth occurs
Cell that results from the union of ovum and sperm
Month where skin is transparent
Ball that contains 100 cells
One fertilized egg that splits into two
Male germ cell
Month of pregnancy the brain begins to form
Two hollow tubes that extend from the right and left sides of the uterus
Lungs and other organs mature
1st two weeks of pregnancy
Antigen occurring on the red blood cells
Part that dilates during labor
Month of pregnancy arms, legs, and internal organs form
Organ where baby develops and is protected until birth
Fetus is less active