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Ecosystem - Population

LIfe Science Ecosystem - Population Dynamics  02/03/2017
The structure in a eukaryotic cell that contains the genetic material (DNA) a cell needs to reproduce and function.
A group of organisms of the same species that live in the same area.
The study of change in the number of individuals in a population and the factors that affect those changes
In population studies, the movement of an organism into a range inhabited by individuals of the same species.
The maximum size that a population can reach in an ecosystem
A species characterized by a relatively longer life span, with relatively few offsprings
A measure of the number of organisms that live in a given area.
A species characterized by a relatively short life span, with large quantities of offsprings.
In population studies, the movement of individuals out of an ecosystem.
Is any factor that can be controlled, changed or measured in an experiment.
A factor or condition that prevents the continuing growth of a population in an ecosystem.
The smallest unit that is able to perform the basic functions of life.