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1920s & 1930s

What treaty after WWI caused political controversy? "Treaty of _____"
What big name supplied alcohol during prohibition (last name)
What was the main part of night life during the 1920s?
Forced abandonment of German ethnic tradition and conforming to... "_____-American"
Only legal party of Germany "National ______ Party"
Tariff of 1922 that increased taxes on all imported goods
Period where per capita GDP was greatly below original level for a whole decade
Extreme violent acts against blacks, Catholics and Jews
The "Golden Glow" that amassed 2/5 of the world's wealth: "_______ Prosperity"
First post-war monarch of Serbia and introduced constitutional monarchy in Serbia
When factory workers are not paid fairly; they protested by going on a...
What day did the stock market crash?: "____ Tuesday"
Another word for cease-fire.
Post-war bombings influenced by fear of communism
Women who took control of their own lives
Which car manufacturer lowered car prices to be more affordable
Head of political section of Nazis
The period where alcohol was illegal.
What was the largest form of communication?
Who was the first phone company?