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LESSON 2 & 3

Anwulika Ifejika
To send goods to to other countries for sale or use.
All the businesses that make one kind one of product or provide one kind of service.
A person hired to be the boss of a plantation.
The middle leg of the triangular trade route in colonial times in which captive Africans were shipped to West Indies to be sold into slavery.
To bring goods to another country for sale or use.
South Carolina plantar who made indigo a major cash crop for the Southern Colonies.
An economy system in which people can own property and businesses and are free to decide what to make, how much to produce, and what price to charge.
The island stretching from Florida in North America to Venezuela in South America.
Quaker who spoke out against slavery in the colonies.
The business of farming
Rules made by colonial planters that controlled the lives of enslaved Africans.
The three sided triangular route between African, the West Indies, and colonial New England which involved the slave trade as well as in trading of goods.
Virginia planter and slave-owner who freed the 500 people enslaved on his plantation, beginning in 1971
A large farm that often grows one crop.