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IA 3 Review

This nation surpassed the United States as the world's leading emitter of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in 2007.
________ and China lead the region in terms of air pollution and water contamination. Both nations are having difficulty supplying the energy and water needed by such large populations.
He taught that leaders should influence others through the example of their moral behavior rather than the use of force.
is one's moral duty or obligation that must be fulfilled. It is found in Hinduism and Buddhism, both of which were founded in India. It is different from Karma, which refers to the actual actions a person demonstrates.
is best described as the sum effect of one's actions during life. It is understood to be the "cause and effect" of a person's actions in life.
The 3 _________Dam was built by China to control the devastating effects of flooding.
______________and industries are the MAIN cause of China's water and air pollution problems
The Eightfold Path is a guiding principle of
The ______ Brown Cloud is a huge pollution problem in Southern and Eastern Asia.
Mount Everest is the world's tallest peak at 29,035 feet above sea level, and it is located in the _________.
A person's ______ is based on their class and station in life.