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Medical Terms

Away from the head lower part of a structure
Movement of a limb toward the body mid line
Lasting a long time
Head/upper part looking down
Ability to cause supination
Farther from mid line
Outward roll of the foot
Farther from the origination of a structure
Parallel to the ground divides the body to top and bottom
Moving a limb away
Front and back
Turning the sole of the foot
Swelling filled with blood
Increases the angle of the joint
A grating sound or sensation produced by friction between bone
A deep cut
Nearer to the origination of a structure
Back view
Nearer to mid line sideview
The process of scraping or wearing away
Movement of the sole of the foot away from the mid line
Present or experienced to a serve or intense degree
Divides the body into left and right halves
Movement of the saggital plane, decreases the angle of the joint