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crossword puzzle homework
Causing or tending to cause horror; shockingly dreadful
Capable of being printed
Something that can remove
Answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management
The state or quality of being dark
a paid announcement, as of goods for sale, in newspapers or magazines, on radio or television, etc.
That does not relent; unyieldingly severe, strict, or harsh; unrelenting
An excited state or condition
Firmly or closely fixed in place; not easily moved; secure:
Not visible; not perceptible by the eye
Very attractive or delightful; charming
A wild ,uninhabited , and uncultivated region.
without fear; bold or brave; intrepid.
Affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone; lonesome.
Weak-minded or lacking good sense; foolish.
Without the power or desire to do harm; innocuous
Of clothing, furniture, etc. producing or affording physical comfort, support, or ease
That which is required; a thing demanded or obligatory
Easily irritated or annoyed; readily excited to impatience or anger.
Available or convenient for use
Providing no hope; beyond optimism or hope; desperate
Capable of being done, effected, or accomplished.
Able to resist wear and decay.
Readily or easily liked