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Shoulder - Bony Anatomy

Teacher: Boysen
Clavicular articulation with manubrium.
Instructions... break here.
Down the borders and around the angles.
Groove containing biceps tendon.
Large tuberosity on proximal humerus.
Finger-like projection.
Depression above the scapular spine.
Rounded process at proximal end of humerus.
You say tuberosity, I say...
Spine becomes me.
Posterior, thin scapular process.
The nerve of this notch!
Border closest to spinal cord.
Lowest point of scapula.
Outer border.
Lateral end of clavicle.
Scapula = Shoulder _____.
Anterior surface of scapula.
Below spine.
Mid-humeral tuberosity.
The scapula has a cavity.
Top angle.
Bone that articulates with clavicle and ulna.
It doesn't end in "al".
Medial humeral tubercle.