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Road to Lexington & Concord

An organization of colonial women formed to protest British policies.
A law placing a tax on sugar, molasses, and other food products shipped to the . colonies.
The secret society was formed to protect the rights of the colonists and to fight taxation by the British government.
Americans who supported the British
Law requiring all legal and commercial documents to have a stamp
Incident in 1773, when colonists protested British taxes on tea by boarding British ships and throwing their cargo into Boston Harbor.
Group of armed civilians trained to be ready to fight "at a minutes warning."
Series of laws, know as the Coercive Acts, meant to punish Massachusetts and help stop the Colonial resistance against British policies.
A forced of armed civilians pledged to defend their community
American lawyer who defended British soldiers accused of murder in the Boston Massacre.
Required the colonists to house British troops and provide them with supplies.
Search warrants used by British officials to enter homes or businesses to search for smuggled goods.
Meeting of delegates from most of the Colonies formed in response to the ntolerable Acts
Americans who sided with the rebels.
A refusal to buy
Boston silver smith who rode into the countryside to spread news of British troop movement.