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Vit, Viv = live; life

Hammy the Hamster holds the key to the meaning of life. His _______ is our prime mission. We need to make sure….uh oh, he just went up the vacuum.
the ability to continue living
“as big as life;” brightly colored; daring.
The scientists performed a _______ on the rabbit to see if the trial pacemaker actually worked.
I was so malnourished from eating nothing but pizza and vanilla coke that my doctor made me start taking a daily _______ to get my nutrients.
necessary or essential to life.
surgery on living animals; medical research that involves cutting into animals to study organs, parts, or diseases.
My grandfather was so _____________ he played golf, swam, or worked out every day of his retirement until he got sick.
a person who lives through a difficult event or experience.
The _________ of the sinking ship never wanted to go on a boat again.
Even though my grandfather was dying of cancer, he managed to maintain his _______—he yelled at my brother and I for getting grass clippings in the pool every week.
Ultra HD Curved screens are so _______ you feel like you are in the TV, but you’re really not. You’re on the couch still
quality or state of being full of life; state of being full of energy.
The deck on the back of my house was looking very old, so I ____ it by replacing a few boards, cleaning it with a power washer, and putting on a new coat of stain.
to bring something back after it declined in condition or popularity; to breathe new life into something.
a tablet of substances that are thought to promote a healthy life.
full of life; fun; lively; animated.
Eating healthy food is _______ if you want to be a super successful cross country runner.
to bring back to life again.
My tomato plants were starting to wilt, so I aggressively watered them to try to ____ them and bring them back to health.