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Romans 1-3

Who is affected by sin?
We must exercise faith in Christ to receive the blessing of _____?
The gospel of Jesus Christ allows us to be saved from ______ death.
Christ performed the _______, which makes our salvation possible.
The gospel of Christ is the power of God unto _____.
The Jews unrighteouseness came from their living the law of Moses _______
God justifies by grace those who believe in _____.
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the ____ more than the creator?
Because we have all sinned we all fall short of ______.
Paul was not ____ about preaching the gospel.
The gospel of Jesus Christ allows us to be saved from ______ death.
Being justified ___ by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
According to Romans 3:24 how are we justified, or declared worthy to be in God's presence?