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Chapter 4- Development of Dominant-Minority Group Relations...

Social Inequality (Healey & O'Brien)
Is the tendency to judge other groups by the standards of one's own group, culture, or society. (Noel's first characteristic).
________ minority groups are created by their more or less voluntary movement into the territory of the dominant group.
A _____ _______ is a system of stratification in which there is virtually no movement or mobility between social positions or levels.
Are contract laborers who are obligated to serve a particular master for a specified length of time.
_______ ______ is a form of labor-intensive agriculture that requires large tracts of land and a large, highly controlled labor force.
Is a struggle between two or more parties for control of some scarce resources.
The movement to abolish slavery.
A __________ in power is any difference between groups in their ability to achieve their goals. (Noel's 3rd factor).
______ ______, created by Sociologist Donald Noel, identifies three features of the contact situation that in combination lead to some form of inequality between groups. If two or more groups come together in a contact situation characterized by ethnocentrism, competition, & a differential in power, then some form of racial or ethnic stratification will result.
_________ minority groups are created by conquest or colonization by the dominant group.
Is a form of dominant-minority relations marked by extreme inequality in power, property, and prestige. It is often associated with labor-intensive agrarian technology.
Is a struggle between 2 or more parties for control of some scarce resources. (Noel's 2nd factor).
This perspective holds that minority groups created by colonization will experience more intense prejudice, racism, and discrimination that those created by immigration.
The process by which formerly distinct and separate groups come to share a common culture and merge together socially.
A moveable item of personal property. A system of chattel slavery defines slaves as property, not people.