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Cardiovascular System

the ability of the blood to carry oxygen is reduced
Divides heart into right & left halves
Complete stoppage of the heart, death may occur
high blood pressure
Pathway of blood from the heart through the lungs
cancer of lymph nodes and spleen
a form of cancer resulting from abnormal production of white blood cells
Help clot your blood
Lower chambers of the heart
Maximum pressure as your heart contracts to push blood into your arteries
Fluid in which the other parts of blood are suspended
subsystem that moves oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body other than the lungs
the blood clots very slowly or not at all
Pressure at its lowest point when your ventricles relax
Protect body against infection
Vessels that carry blood away from the heart
Carry oxygen from lungs to body tissue
Fluid that transports all substances that your body needs to sustain life
Upper chambers of the heart
blood flow to the brain is interrupted or severely reduced
Vessels that carry blood between arterioles and small vessels called venules
Vessels that return deoxygenated blood toward the heart from the body’s organs and tissues