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Chapter 4- Rational Choice Theory

Criminology (Siegel).
_________ crime prevention is a method of crime prevention that seeks to eliminate or reduce particular crimes in specific settings.
Relapse into criminal behavior after apprehension, conviction, and correction for a previous crime.
_______ deterrence is a crime control policy that depends on the fear of criminal penalties, convincing the potential law violator that the pains associated with crime outweigh its benefits.
________ deterrence occurs when a relatively more severe penalty will produce some reduction in crime.
__________ effect is the idea that keeping offenders in confinement will eliminate the risk of their committing further offenses.
The view that offenders evaluate their skills, motives, needs, and fears before deciding to commit crime.
_________ deterrence refers to situations in which the threat of punishment can reduce but not eliminate crime.
___ _____ is the principle that crime can be prevented or displaced by modifying the physical environment to reduce the opportunity that individuals have to commit crime.
An effect that occurs when crime control efforts targeting a particular locale help reduce crime in surrounding areas and populations.
_______ deterrence is the view that criminal sanctions should be so powerful that offenders will never repeat their criminal acts.
________ ________ theory is the view that crime is a function of a decision making process in which the would-be-offender weighs the potential costs and benefits of an illegal act.
_______-________ crime is the view that an offender reacts selectively to the characteristics of a particular criminal act.
An effect that occurs when efforts to prevent one crime unintentionally prevent another.
An effect that occurs when criminals try new offenses they had previously avoided because situational crime prevention programs neutralized their crime of choice.
___________ criminology is the theoretical perspective suggesting that people choose to commit crime and that crime can be controlled if potential criminals fear punishment.
_______ _______ are people who serve as guardians of property or people.
An effort that occurs when crime control efforts simply move, or redirect, offenders to less heavily guarded alternative targets.
An effect that occurs when crime reduction programs produce a short-term positive effect, but benefits dissipate as criminals adjust to new conditions.