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Exam 1 Crossword

"Amebas" locomote with these structures.
Excretion of wastes is by diffusion or by the structures called Contractile _______.
When a character is shared by two or more different organisms because they share a common ancestor, the character is called (ends in "ous").
Concept proposed by Lyell that states geologic processes happening now have happened in the past.
What is the plural of Genus?
The general term for what's at the tips of the terminal branches in a phylogenetic tree (singular, not plural, starts with a "T").
The concentration of sense organs anteriorly and development of the head region is called ______.
When two organisms are closer to each other than to any other organism in the tree, they are called _________ taxa.
The single-celled organisms that we studied from Ch 5 are collectively called ________.
When many different tissue types work together they form an ____.
When you feed yourself by ingesting food particles you are called a _____. (opposite of photosynthesizing...).
Term defined as "change over time", explains all the changes we will discuss in this class!
What the nodes in a phylogeny can do (think moving around...).
There was another person who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection alongside Darwin who's last name was this.
When egg and sperm unite they form a ____.