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CRIMJ/SOC 012-Exam 1

Another name for the social sciences
The return of a certain amount of money from seller to buyer as a result of a collusive agreement
Any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, personal property of another
Sexual assault with someone when it is against their will and no consent is given
An example of this would be a murder which has no premeditation, sometimes referenced as a crime of passion
The misleading of creditors through the concealment and misstatement of assets
Repeat offender
Using a weapon and/or causing serious injury to another person
Which of the three main national sources of information on crime is a count of the 7 major “Part 1 offenses”?
A violation of a criminal statute either by a corporate entity or by its executives, employees, or agents acting on behalf of and for the benefit of the corporation, partnership, or other form of business entity
Which of the three main national sources of information on crime is gathered from victims?
The unlawful misappropriation for personal use of money, property, or other thing of value entrusted to the offender’s care, custody, or control
Murder which is has premeditation
When you break into a property or dwelling with the intent of committing any felony
The use of an electric or electronic communications facility to intentionally transmit a false and/or deceptive message in furtherance of a fraudulent activity
The use of a weapon to take something from someone else unwillingly
Which of the three main national sources of information on crime tracks crime events by incident?
The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession, or constructive possession, of another
Crimes committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation
In the scientific process, researchers often make tentative guesses or predictions about the outcome of that particular study or analysis. What is the term for these tentative predictions?
An example of this would be a heroine addict not wanting to quit because of withdrawal
Long-term criminal
Fraud committed by filing false tax returns or not filing tax returns at all
What would you be charged with if you murdered someone, but only while committing a felony offense?
What do we call the fact that offending tends to increase from late childhood, peak in the later teens, and then decline in the early 20s?
Sexual assault with someone who does not give consent
The start of committing crime