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Components Of The Universe: The Big Bang Theory

All of space
The galaxy which we are located
Arms from a spiral galaxy
An oval shaped galaxy with a bright center
A galaxy that does not have a specific form or shape. It is unusual.
The left overs of a star that collapse to form a hole that is so strong nothing can escape
When a star comes to it death by exploding in space
A group of stars
A light that can be used to identify characteristics
A galaxy formed in a spiral
When a wavelength changes and allows us to see if an object is moving towards or away from us
High energy electromagnetic waves
The amount of time it would take to travel through space in a year
A star which all 8 planets revolve around
The distance between two points
Electromagnetic waves with a short wavelength
Theory about how the universe expanded
A large cloud of gas and dust
There are eight planets in our _____ _____
A graph of the temperature of the stars and there luminosity