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Chapter 17 - Digestive System Disorders II

Hannah Lehrer MSN RN
Pancreatitis is commonly caused by _________ abuse and also gallstones.
Celiac disease involves in the inability to metabolize _________. The villa atrophy and can result in malabsorption.
Complications of peptic ulcers include hemorrhage, obstruction, and _________, which can cause peritonitis a serious infection of the peritoneal cavity.
_ _ _ _ (4 letters) involves the periodic flow of gastric content into the esophagus causing a burning pain 30-60 minutes after eating or at night.
Esophageal _________ are esophageal veins that become enlarged and distended and can potentially rupture. These are a complication of cirrhosis.
Irritable bowel syndrome has several types: diarrhea, _______, and/or pain.
______ refers to inflammation of the liver, can be viral (A, B, C, D, & E) or medications.
Appendicitis can cause nausea/vomiting, lower right quadrant pain at __________ point with ________ tenderness.
The function of the gall bladder is to _____ bile.
Hepatic _____________ occurs during cirrhosis because the liver is unable to metabolize ___________. Toxic levels occur affecting the central nervous system, patients become very confused and have altered level of consciousness.
GERD may be caused by delayed gastric emptying, decrease in lower ____________ sphincter pressures, or an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.
Most malignant neoplasms of colorectal cancer arise from a _______.
___________ impairment is the cause of functional obstruction or paralytic ileus, where peristalsis stalls.
Ulcerative colitis occurs from the ______ traveling up into the colon, rarely affecting the small intestine.
Crohn's disease can occur anywhere in the digestive tract and produces "_____ lesions."
Appendicitis is inflammation and infection in the ___________ appendix.
During cirrhosis, the demonstrates extensive diffuse _______ and loss of functional cells.
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas resulting from _____________ of the tissues. Pancreatitis is considered a medical emergency, it can easily develop into sepsis.
Dietary restriction for people with cirrhosis include restriction of ______ and protein.
Refers to the yellowish color of the skin and sclera due to high levels of bilirubin in the blood.
Peptic ulcers are split into two different types, ________ and gastric. Ulcers are small, round cavities that penetrate the submucosa leaving the tissue exposed to stomach acid.
A ___-________ diet, irregular bowel habits, and age can contribute to chronic constipation which causes muscle hypertrophy in the colon, which causes diverticula to develop.
Chronic inflammatory bowel disease include ________ disease and ulcerative colitis.
Chronic gastritis is characterized by atrophy of the mucosa of the stomach with loss of secretory glands. Infection with ___________ ______ is often present.
__________ disease involves herniation or outpuching of the intestinal mucosa through the muscle layer of the colon wall, frequently in the sigmoid colon.
If a nurse were wanting to assess for pancreatitis, these 2 labs would be checked.
___________ is inflammation of the peritoneal cavity caused by chemical ( ex. bile, chyme, foreign objections) or bacterial infection.
This refers to formation of gallstones, often causing cholecystitis which is inflammation of the gall bladder.
Sudden, severe, generalized abdominal pain occurs with localized tenderness at the site of the localized problem are signs and symptoms of ___________.
A disorder characterized by destruction of the liver, liver failure occurs when 80-90% of the liver cells have been destroyed. Commonly caused by alcoholism, but can also be caused by biliary cirrhosis, chronic exposure to chemicals and metabolic disorders.
_______ syndrome is when the control of gastric emptying is lost and chyme dumps into the duodenum too quickly.
Signs of peritonitis ("red hot belly") include a ______ "boardlike" abdoment, tachycardia, and hypotension.
In efforts to prevent gastritis due to certain medications (aspirin & NSAIDS) it is important to ____ prior to taking the medication.