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BI101-Part 3

Pairs of short, rod shaped organelles that organize the cytoskeleton fibers called microtubules into scaffold.
In eukaryotic cells, a collection of flat sacs that process proteins for export from the cell or for shunting to different parts of the cell.
Molecular bond formed between ions of opposite charge.
A class of biological molecules that tend not to dissolve in water.
Allow small molecules to pass from one cell to another.
Molecular bonding by the sharing of a pair of electrons between atoms.
Alternative form of an element having the same atomic number but a different atomic mass due to the different number of neutrons present in the nucleus.
An atom that has gained or lost one or more electrons thereby attaining a positive or negative electrical charge.
Found in cells of eukaryotes,an internal framework of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments that supports and moves the cell and its organelles.
A plastid that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place.
A structure in the cell that provides a site for protein synthesis; may lie freely in the cell or attach to the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum.
Block movement of chemicals through the spaces separating cells.
Attach a cell to an adjacent cell or to the extracellular matrix.
Any substance that accepts hydrogen ions in water.
Any substance that gives off hydrogen ions when dissolved in water.
Type of endocytosis through which a cell takes in food particles. (Large particles)
Membrane-enclosed region of a eukaryotic cell that contains the cell's DNA.
Basic building blocks of proteins.
Spherical membrane-bound vesicles within the cell containing digestive enzymes that are released when ruptured; important to recycling worn-out mitochondria and other cell debris.
Includes sugar and starches; crucial to cell structure and energy storage.
A cell membrane invaginates and forms a pocket around a cluster of molecules; this pocket pinches off and forms a vesicle that transports the molecules into the cell.
Has multiple functions; its shape determines its function.