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CUC #2 (Balkin, chapters 1, 2 & 4)

A type of literature review in which research is organized by topic and the researcher provides summaries of each topic, noting, confirming and disconfirming evidence from extant research.
The beliefs about how knowledge is generated.
The participants in your study may be identified with the accessible population, who are identified with the target population.
A type of research which involves the relationship between variables.
A professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, and well-being.
A type of research which attempts to understand the effectiveness of treatments or interventions.
Provides a clear description of what is to be measured.
The means by which a researcher collects data from participants.
A process by which all extraneous variables that could confound a study are dispersed equally among the various groups in a study.
The idea that knowledge is generated by individual perception, or construction, of reality and thus knowledge. This is aligned with many popular counseling theories that endorse a phenomenological perspective. Ever-changing knowledge is understood more through the human experience.
The consistency of a treatment or intervention.
Research that may be helpful in testing a theory. Concerned with generalizability.
The systematic process used to gather information -- the process undertaken to acquire information.
Often referred to as validity in a qualitative study -- the rigor and credibility of a qualitative study.
Running analyses without preordained research questions or hypotheses to see what can be found. This increases the likelihood for error in a study.
Research interests may be generated from _______________________ that influence(s) the questions a researcher wishes to answer. They often reflect a passion.
The manner in which knowledge is generated, discussed in academics as the philosophical underpinnings of research.
Scholars within the profession who agree to read and critique manuscripts submitted for publication. Represent the profession and are the gatekeepers of research. Remain anonymous to the author.
A type of literature review that is organized by study.
Provides direction for the research study.
A good research study is __________, rigorous, and defendable.
A type of research which attempts to understand how various groups differ across a particular phenomenon.
...also known as empiricism. The belief that knowledge is generated from what can be observed and measured. It is tied to deductive reasoning.