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Great Depression


Date____________________ Period_____
Best example of Hoover's associative state
President who believed in limited role for government in the economy
Hoover's belief in people's responsibility and power
Organization owned and operated by its members for a common goal
The first R of the 3 R's
The second R of the 3 R's
Tax on goods made in other countries
As President, believed government had a responsibility to directly help those affected by the Depression
Someone who rode trains from town to town in search of work
British economist whose ideas greatly influenced the New Deal
Voluntary partnerships between people and business
African American singer prevented from performing at Constitution Hall because of her race
Day of the stock market crash in 1929
Name of FDR's programs to try and get the U.S. out of the Depression
Put in place to regulate the stock market
Bank taking property due to inability to pay back loan
Lowest amount an employer can pay a worker
An orchestrated form of jazz popular in the 1930s
The third R of the 3 R's
Program guaranteed bank deposits to restore Americans' confidence in the banking system