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Components of the Universe and the Big Bang Theory

Everything that exists, including all matter and energy ; consists mostly of empty space (no matter is present)
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson detected faint radiation on their radio telescope coming from all diractions
A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star
A streak of light formed by a space rock burning up as it plunges into Earth's atmosphere
The main three components are a bulge , disk , and halo
Are oddly shaped, many form from gravitational pull of neighboring galaxies. They contain many young stars and have areas of intense star formation
Giant ball of burning as which is held by gravity
The universe began from one point billions of years ago and has been expanding ever since
A huge collection of stars
Law that states that the further away the galaxy is , the faster it is moving away from us
Are the four nearest to the sun. They have rocky surfaces and cores made of iron
Small chunk of ice,dust, and rocky material that forms a glowing tail of gas and dust when it passes near the sun in it's orbit
A collection of celestial objects that orbit a star
Giant clouds of gas and dust that is visible in space because it glows , or scatters light from stars within it , or blocks light from objects behind it
Having to do with the universe beyond the Earth's the atmosphere
Are the outer planets. They have surfaces made of a kind of slush that forms from their gaseous atmospheres. Their surfaces are not solid.
Do not have internal structures. They have higher percentage of old,red stars than spiral galaxies do. They contain trillions of stars.
The next largest objects in our soar system are large , rocky object that orbits the sun , but are to small to be planets
The shift to a different wavelength
Is matter that does not give off electromagnetic radiation