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Communicating With Others

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
Sure and confident, expressing feelings directly, asking for what one wants, and refusing what one doesn't want.
Communicating to another person how you feel about what was said.
A form of mediation that is used to resolve disagreements in a positive way.
A third party who helps in resolving a conflict.
Type of communication that uses factors other than words, such as gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and body movements.
A narrow, exclusive group of people held together by common interests, views, and purposes.
Any means by which one person shares a message with another person.
Taking in another's words, but offering no sign of hearing or understanding the meaning.
Form of communication that uses words to send and receive messages.
Type of listening in which a person indicates to the sender that a message has been heard and understood.
A form of nonverbal communication in which a person reveals inner feelings through gestures.
The process of seeing things from another persons view.
A social group's intentional infliction of physical or emotional abuse on prospective group members as the "price" for acceptance by the group.
The infliction of physical, verbal, or emotional abuse on another person.