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Nervous System

A group of nerve fibers in the spinal cord that transmits sensory impulses upward to the brain
A nerve pathway, consisting of a sensory neuron, interneuron, and motor neuron, that forms the structural and function bases for reflex
Region of the cerebral cortex controlling memory, reasoning, judgement, and emotions
Motor pathways of the peripheral nervous system that lead to the skin and skeletal muscles
Portion of nervous system that controls the ulsera
The portions of the nervous system outside the central nervous system
Group of nerve fibers that carry nerve impulses downward from the brain through the spinal cord
The electrochemical process of depolarization and repolarization along an axon
A neuron between a sensory neuron and a motor neuron
The region of the brain from which impulses to muscles or glands originate
Group of connected structures within the brain that produces emotions
A portion of the cerebral cortex that receives and interprets sensory nerve impulses
Process of a neuron that receives input from other neurons
A complex network of nerve fibers within the brain stem that arouses the cerebrum
Portion of the autonomic nervous system that arises from the brain and sacral region of the spinal cord
The functional connection between the axon of a neuron and the dendrite or cell body of another neuron or the membrane of another cell type
A neuron that transmits an impulse from a receptor to the central nervous system
A membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord