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Victorian England and The Great Expectation

MARSHALSEA was a debtor's _____ for those who did not pay their bills.
ESTELLA married
The lady who stayed with Charles Dickens until the day he died
The city where the seat of the government was located.
Bentley argues with _____
At Miss Havisham's shes a good friend to Pip, and she loves to teach him everything she knows
Queen Victoria _____ 64 years before she died
Joe and Biddy named their son.
Dickens revealed the alarming conditions of the orphanages and the treatment of _______ children
cower To shrink away usually in _____
Pip visits the dying _____ in prison.
Gladstone was a ______ Minister of Britain during Queen Victoria's reign.
Work houses employed young children for ___ hours during the day
three stages: leading up to his arrival in London, troubles in London, and the solution to the dilemma uncovered in London
To make ineffective.
The novel where Tiny Tim gains readers' sympathy
Victorian era was named _____Queen Victoria.
Who is known for going "on a Rampage".
Magwitch's wife.
Wemmick's marries Miss _________
To shrink away usually in fear.
MR CAMPBELL was Magwitch's _____ name.
Stroke was Dicken's "fit" at ______.
Dickens wrote his stories in _______.
Pip's full name.
In Victorian Era it was common for farmers to have a _________ or more children.
The novel where a young girl is born and raised in debtor's prison with her father but grows into a beautiful, caring young lady.
Great Expectation is an expose of _____ criticism
Turned or twisted to a side, off the planned path.
Wemmick Turns out to be a true ____ and wise counselor to Pip
Where does Estella go to be educated as a lady?
He introduces Pip to a convict sentenced to be hanged.
Great Expectation was published periodically in sections of a _______.
Pip was sent to MRS WOPSLE'S _______
Pip's true benefactor.
Was one of 8 children
Dickens was one of _______ children.
The first time Magwitch and Herbert _____ was in Blue Boar Inn
Delivered the crippling blow to Pip's sister.
Who made Pip cry on his first visit.
Who became kind and gentle but was brain damaged after an attack.
Westminster Abbey is where Dickens is _______
Confiscates Pip's fortune.
Pip teaches him everything he learns at school
Main character of Great Expectation
Mr. Wopsle's _____seems to add comic relief to the otherwise heavy story