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Space Project

Emma Montgomery
3rd Period
A huge collection of stars; the universe contains hundreds of billions of them.
All existing matter and space considered as a whole.
A type of star cluster that contains less than a few hundred stars that are often very young.
A type of galaxy that can be shaped like a flattened or partially deflated football or more spherical like a basketball.
A "dirty snowball" made of a mixture of frozen gases and tiny particles of dust. It leaves a tail of gases and dust given off as it moves.
The outer planets of our solar system that have slushy surfaces formed from the gaseous atmospheres. (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune)
The 4 planets closest to the sun that have rocky surfaces and cores made of iron. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars)
A streak of light formed by a space rock burning up as it plunges into Earth's atmosphere.
A type of galaxy that doesn't have a distinct shape and is oddly shaped.
Occurs when Earth passes through the tail of a comet of a cloud of dust left behind by a broken-up asteroid.
Large rocks that are all over the solar system, but are mostly concentrated in a belt between Mars and Jupiter.
What a meteor is called if it enters the Earth's atmosphere and strikes the Earth's surface.
A type of star cluster that is a tight group of hundreds of thousands of very old stars.
The theory that states that all matter and energy was once packed into a tiny particle that began to expand, then it threw matter and energy in all directions.
Groups of stars that are gravitationally bound together.
A reaction that occurs when hydrogen atoms combine to form helium atoms that gives off enormous amounts of light and heat energy when it happens
A type of galaxy that contains three main components: a bulge, disk, and halo.
A giant cloud of gas and dust in the space between stars.
A natural satellite of a planet.
Something that is made up of gases, and is extremely hot and produces it's own light. There are trillions of them throughout the universe.