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Human Resource: Chapter 12

Refers to people leaving their jobs, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.
Characterized by being highly competitive and highly focused on work with few interests outside of work
For managing stress are undertaken through established organizational mechanisms.
Stressors associated with the specific job a person performs
Are organizational programs created specifically to help employees deal with stress.
Experts who carefull study the workplace, try to identify and isolate particularly dangerous situations, and recommend solutions for dealing with those situations.
Elements of the work environment that more slowly and systematically, and perhaps cumulatively, result in damage to an employee's health
Those conditions in the work environment that have the potential to cause harm to an employee
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
A general feeling of exhaustion that develops when an individual simultaneously experiences too much pressure and too few sources of satisfaction.
Refers to any behavior at work that is counterproductive.
Characterized by being less aggressive, more patient, and more easygoing.
Natural cylcles that indicate when a body needs to eat or sleep
An individual difference that allows some individuals to experience less stress when dealing with stressful events, and that makes them more effective in dealing with the stress they do experience
Person's adaptive response to a stimulus that places excessive psychological or physical demand on him or her