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This is what the attendees did to their passbooks at the ANC meeting in 1952.
This is the town that PAC members went to without passbooks in order to be arrested as an act of resistance.
This is the political party that gained power in South Africa in 1948.
The apartheid in South Africa was on grounds of...
An embargo was placed on the sale of this to South Africa in 1976.
In South Africa, white people are the...
In South Africa, black people are the...
This new document took effect in 1994.
This is the type of government that was formed in South Africa in 1994.
The Population Regulation Act separated South Africans into this many groups.
He took Pieter Botha's place in 1989.
He was the leader of the ANC military wing.
This is synonymous with the words separation and discrimination.
Pass Laws required non-white South Africans to carry a ...
He was the National Party Prime Minister.