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Architecture Appreciation

Shaped like a pyramid and is used to cover a square structure
Designing one side of a space to mirror the opposite.
Triangular shaped element made of stone
Combines 2 different pitches below the ridge
Greek mathematician
Architecture helps define_____
Architecture responds to the needs of its users and rises to the level of ___
Wood siding laid horizontally
A round headed window flanked by 2 smaller windows
A particular or distinctive form of artistic expression characteristic of a person, people or period
A door that operates or moves by sliding on a track
Composing three-dimensional shapes or volumes into a building design
Architecture permanently records a civilizations_____
The branch of physics that deals with the production, control , transmission, reception and effects of sound.
A door similar to palladian window
A window above the transom of a doorway
Roof slopes to 2 sides
Vertical in a projection built out on a sloping roof
The particular place a building is to be constructed.
The size or proportion a building appears to have relative to other elements of known or assumed size
Wood siding laid vertically consisting of wide boards and narrow battens
A clients list of practical requirements for a design project
Architecture is connected to a particular place and relates to the specifics of geography _____ and surroundings
The relationship between solid and void creates architectural space.
Semi-circular roof
Architecture is connected to a particular place and relates to the specifics of geography, climate and _________.
Walla made of stone that is typically rough and rated off the wall surface
Has a very low slope
Architecture is connected to a particular place and relates to the specifics of____, climate and surroundings
A course plaster composed of cement, sand and lime, mixed with water and used to cover exterior walls
A window projecting from the surface of the wall to allow light from 3 sides
Roof slopes to one side