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Plate Tectonics--The Crust is a "Movin"

Name: ______________________________ Period: _______
______spot is the surface feature found above a plume
Plate _________ is where sections of lithosphere meet
Alfred _______ was his name. Author of continental drift
Outermost layer of the continents upon which we live
Rigid outer layer of Earth's Crust
Continental drift is a _________
More evidence for Wegener's Pangaea, plant with a seed that is.
Process by which the Earth's magnetic field aligns metallic atoms in cooling magma
A place on the crustal or oceanic surface where plates are being pulled apart--creates a depression
Treatment received by Wegener upon publishing Continental Drift Hypothesis
Occurs in many convergent boundaries where the oceanic plate dives beneath a continental plate
A graph of vertical changes in the seafloor we constructed in class
No, not the movie, but a type of boundary where plates move apart
____________ ridge, a place where magma has risen at the bottom of the oceans, as part of a divergent boundary
Super Continent proposed by Wegner which broke apart 200 mya
Earthquakes and ______________ often occur near subduction zones of convergent plates
Sections of lithosphere whose edges comprise boundaries which move in various ways
Hot, weaker, plastic-like layer beneath the lithosphere
Type of plate boundary where plates move against each other or towards each other
Scientific device used to measure minute changes in Earth's magnetic field
Simplest model to explain movement of earth's plates
Acronym for Global Positioning System
Primitive reptile from the past. Fossil evidence for Wegener
Type of plate boundary in which movement is back and forth on the horizontal
Matching _________ ranges provided evidence for Wegener
Modern Plate Tectonics is a __________
A mantle ________ is thought to be beneath the Hawaiian Islands and responsible for their formation