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Chapter 11 - Properties of the Hair and Scalp

Tuft of hair that stands straight up
Ability of hair to absorb moisture
Tube-like depression or pocket in the skin or scalp that contains the hair root
Measurement of individual hair strands on 1 square inch of the scalp
Process whereby living cells mature and begin their journey up the hair shaft
Highly contagious skin disease caused by a parasite called a mite that burrows under the skin
Oily substance secreted from the sebaceous glands
Chemical bonds that hold together the amino acid molecules
Medical term for dandruff
Outermost layer of hair
Physical bond easily broken by water or heat
Phase that signals the end of the growth phase
Type of melanin that provides natural colors ranging from red and ginger to yellow and blond tones
Technical term used to describe gray hair
Tiny, involuntary muscle in the base of the hair follicle
Growth phase during which new hair is produced
Technical term for beaded hair
Hair that forms a circular pattern on the crown of the head