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Photography Fun

The opposite of a great depth of field
An image of a person's (or a few peoples' faces) and possibly their bodies too!
The machine that we make prints from
What we make to determine how many seconds of exposure time a print needs (2 words)
What we need to control when taking action or sports photos (2 words)
A sound you DON'T want to hear when you're rolling film
The amount of things that remain in focus from where you focus, back (3 words)
A viewpoint in a portrait when you can only see 1 eye of the person (2 words)
The chemical that makes film or paper archival (2 words)
What you press to take a photograph
Another name for a photo-journalistic type of photograph
Another name for film after it's been processed
Another name for lens flare
The difference between highlights and shadows
The light sensitive material on film and paper
The only chemical we use twice in processing and printing
The angle used when shooting from an airplane
Where a portable flash would attach to on your camera's body (2 words)
What we always need for any photograph to be rendered
Another name for F-stop
What you should use to get dust off of your negative before putting it in the enlarger
What you want to do to your tank after every agitation
The direction of light that can create a silhouette
The direction that prints must be in the 1st water rinse
The idea about composition that says you shouldn't place a main subject in the dead center of the frame (3 words)
The only chemical that requires an exact amount of time
The only chemical used processing that isn't used in printing
The chemical that allows paper or film to be viewed in room light
Where your focusing ring lives
What we turn on our lens to keep our images sharp
A word that actually means to write with light
What you do with film when you want to make sure it's rolling on the reel correctly (2 words)
The amount of light that should be in a room when you're rolling film
What you do to a print when you add more exposure time to a portion of the print only
What you should always carry as a spare
What we set to have the enlarger go on and off for a print
What a 35-80 lens can do
The term that relates to how fast the film reacts to light