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Middlesex in the Making!

All the answers to this puzzle can be found in the Middlesex Historical Society's book Middlesex in the Making.  Available for $20 at the Town Clerk's office.
Middlesex _______ is now used as a source of electricity for GMP.
There was once a nursing home located in Putnamville named?
In 1933 construction began on this dam.
Zdon Road was originally named ______ Road?
C.C. Putnam's First and Middle names?
Tallest mountain on the Worcester Range?
This man was notorious for dressing in women's clothes both on and off stage
Name for a tree-covered stream
Molly _______ and her sister, Bridget (both spinsters) lived 1/2 way up the hill on the road bearing their name.
In 1873 Middlesex was divided into _______ original school districts.
The Town's first newspaper: The Middlesex ______
Theophilus_______ was the first Postmaster of record in Middlesex.
How many hermits were known to live in the Middlesex Notch area?
The "Bear Swamp Hotel" was located in this family's barn.
The old fire house behind Town Hall was originally built soon after the Civil War and was known as?
1/3rd of this cemetery washed away in the Great Flood of 1927.
Red Hen Bakery is located in a former CCC Camp known as _________?
Vermont's Senior Senator who lives on Notch Road.
The VT ______ occupy the old "new" Village School
In the Middlesex Center Cemetery is a granite_______ belonging to the owner of the National Clothespin Company
North, South & East_______Roads
The Green Mountain _______ Club was for men only.