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Tinkering with Tomatoes' Taste

Tomatoes are Not Vegetables, but ________.
The Yield of _________has tripled since, 1960, but there's been a slow decline in the Taste Quality.
Scientists think they can improve the taste of grocery tomatoes by __________ with its genetic recipe.
Harry Klee is a ____________ scientist at the University of Florida.
Most tomatoes have recently been mass-produced and selectively bred for size and ____________.
The process of inserting genes into an organism to add or modify traits is known as _________ engineering.
Farmers have used selective l _________ for hundreds of years to select desirable traits in foods.
Five genetic _________ can be reinstalled into the tomatoes to add the sweet-yet-acidic taste.
Harry Klee said a __________super-market tomato could be ready within three years.
The study of the _______ of Traits in organisms is known as Genetics.