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SPEAK Pgs. 1-92

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What does Melinda get hit with the first day of school?
What is the name of the group Heather desperately wants to join?
What is Melinda's nickname for her Social Studies teacher?
What did Melinda dissect that caused her to pass out?
At the end of "first marking period", what is Melinda's LOWEST grade in?
Why is everyone mad at Melinda?
What is Melinda's lab partner's name?
What did Rachel change her name to?
What is Melinda's nickname for her English teacher?
Which one of Melinda's EX friends is good at ALL sports?
What does Heather spill on her brand-new carpet?
What was the first thing Melinda dissected in Biology class?
Where is Melinda's hiding spot?
What team does Melinda get offered to join?
Who is the author of this book?
What item does Melinda have to draw all year?
Who is Mr. Freeman mad at?
What is the name of Melinda's art teacher?
Who is Melinda's EX-best friend?
What meal does Melinda's mother mess up?
What is Melinda's last name?
What is the CURRENT school mascot?
What is the name of the main character?
What does Ivy have to draw all year?
What grade is Melinda in?