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Judicial Branch

by Coach Hughes
United States has a ___________ system of courts.
Authority to interpret and administer the law, from the Constitution is what?
A crime that is either made illegal by U.S. federal legislation or a crime that occurs on U.S. federal property is Considered a what?
The party bringing the charges is called what?
An opinion written by a justice or justices who agree with the majority opinion, but not with the reasoning behind the decision is what?
A detailed statement of the facts of the case supporting a particular position by presenting arguments based on relevant facts and citations from previous cases is what?
The court should play a more active role in creating national policies and answering questions of conflict in society. This what kind of Judicial Philosophy?
There was ________ federal court created by the U.S. Constitution.
What was created by Congress through the Judiciary Act of 1789?
Allows certain types of cases to be tried in either the federal or state courts.
Which court has original jurisdiction ONLY?
What is a guiding principle?
The Constitution must be interpreted in light of current political and social conditions is what?
Large Judicial district is called?
A judge may be removed from office through _____________ .
U.S. Constitution gives power to ____________ to create any lower federal courts.
Who establishes the size of the Supreme Court?
The party being accused or charged is called what?
Supreme Court decisions are explained in a written statement called a what?
Who has the power to review cases previously decided by a lower court?
Authority to hear a case for the first time trials are conducted, evidence is presented, and juries determine outcome of case have what?
In district court Judges serve for how long?
This allowing senators from president’s party who represents the state with the vacancy to approve or disapprove nominees.
Which court(s) have Appellate Jurisdiction?
Judicial Branch created in _______________ of the U.S. Constitution.
To chooses a judge based on their view on 1 single issue is called what?
How many types of writing opinions are there?