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Semester 1 Review

Obedience experiment
Morality guy
Using emotions to advertise
Junction between two neurons
A sample proportionate representation of the population
Collective unconscious
Limbic system
Undeserved attitude towards a group
Man who believed in linguistic determinism; our language shapes thoughts
Getting mad at boss but taking it out on brother
Hemispheres serve different functions
Economy in which monopoly dollars can be traded for goods
Addiction neurotransmitter
Studying for general knowledge's sake
Cannot form new memories
Random placement of people into control and experimental groups
Last stage of Freud's psychosexual
Operant conditioning researcher
Speech production
Startle reflex
Neurons that exit the braid
Moral principle
Looking inward; self analysis and reflection
Statistics that analyze meaning
Attachment styles
Learning an association; you know a bell means food is coming
First psychology lab
Only function
Whole picture
Bobo Doll