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Living things of a habitat
A permanently frozen layer of soil 2 to 3 feet below the surface
Formed from the remains of stony corals and coralline algae
Individual living things
The combination of a region's climax vegetation and its animal population
A relationship in which both organisms benefit
Areas where more water is lost through evaporation than is gained from rain
A relationship in which grazing animals feed on plants by cropping portions of the plant without killing it
A close relationship between two different species over a period of time
The function or "occupation" of a living things
The first organisms that colonize a disturbed ecosystem
The number and variety of species living within an ecosystem
A model used by ecologists to show the nutritional relationships among organisms in an ecosystem
The interrelated network of all organism and their environmental within a limited area
The relatively thin layer of the earth's surface in which life exists
An organism's environment or home
All of the living things in an ecosystem
A relationship in which
One organism hunts, kills and eats another
Control over or under man's authority