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The thing your body might do to music.
The movement with your legs and you are going fast.
When you ______ on something you fall down.
When all of the lights go out.
The thing you might get after you get braces.
A storm that makes things shake or brake.
The thing you do with your mouth and might or might not show your teeth.
Things you get on your teeth if you need them.
Celebration of completing middle school.
The people that care for you and love you.
A holiday full of love.
A place you learn.
The thing you might get if you need or have braces.
When every one dances it is a _______.
Someone who is nice to you.
The main character's sister
Someone that works with your teeth.
Bumping your face might _______ your tooth.
An activity you might do at school.
When a friend sleeps over at your house it is called a ________.
_____________ in the Rain.
The main character.
The day you were born
A club can girls do.
A middle school grade.
The things you get if you get your ears pierced.
The main character's brother
Something in your mouth.
A gender
Unexpected series of circumstances.